Summer is coming to an end and you may be feeling like you missed your window for any exterior home renovations. If you know your home needs a new roof, you might think that you need to wait until spring. Yet when it comes to new roof installation, fall is actually a great time for a new roof.
If your roof is in need of replacement, waiting through another winter can cause additional damage. This could drive the price of your new roof estimate higher than the average price of a new roof because there may be additional costs in repairs that will need to be done first. It is definitely not worth taking the chance for a more expensive problem by waiting until spring. In the fall, problems can be taken care of to make sure the roof will be functioning its best all winter long.
Summer has high humidity and plenty of storms and winter has frigid temperatures and ice, but fall weather is often very mild. Roofing is best installed on a day when the weather is about 50 degrees and dry. Colder weather can make the shingles brittle, and excessively hot and humid days can cause issues with the shingles adhering.
During the peak roofing season you may have a long delay while your roofing contractor is busy with other projects. In the fall, the schedule tends to be more open. You can likely have an inspection, an estimate, and the project started within a couple of weeks. In the early spring you may be waiting on weather conditions, and the late spring and the summer are very busy for roofers. Timing your roof installation for the fall means that your roofing contractor will have more time to devote to your project while the weather is right.
The average price of a new roof is several thousand dollars and can be a significant investment for the average homeowner. Roofers tend to be busiest in the spring and summer, so the chances of getting a deal on your new roof isn’t likely during this time. In fact, you may have to get in line for a new roof! The slower season for roofers starts in the fall. As the fall progresses, you may be able to get a good deal. In addition, if you do your roof replacement in the fall rather than waiting through the winter, you will enjoy the energy savings during the cold months.
Fall is an excellent time for many home renovation projects, and if you think you need a new roof, replacing your roof is a project that shouldn’t wait until spring. Available contractors, beautiful weather, and the security of knowing your home will be safe and warm throughout the winter are just a few of the reasons why fall is the perfect time to replace your roof. If you have questions or are interested in learning more about our roofing materials and expert installation, contact Armorvue Home Exteriors today for a virtual appointment with one of our roofing specialists.
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