Replacement slider windows are an investment in your home, and often homeowners aren’t sure if they’re a worthwhile purchase. Whether your home currently has slider windows or traditional double-hung windows, replacement slider windows have many benefits that you might want to consider.
A traditional double-hung window sash opens up and down, with the sash and locking mechanism in the middle of the window. A slider window opens side to the side. Slider windows are available in larger sizes than double-hung windows because of the way they operate. Like double-hung windows, most slider windows have double panes that increase energy efficiency and security.
Slider windows have several benefits.
As with any window style, there are varying degrees of quality when choosing replacement slider windows. Look for ones with interlocking meeting rails. These are superior to slider windows with felt and pile weather-stripping that will wear down over time, decreasing energy efficiency. Interlocking meeting rails improve both energy efficiency and security.
Look for windows with adequate drainage holes that won’t cause the sill to fill with water during a storm. A replacement slider window should have double panes to increase energy efficiency. Finally, because slider windows have the potential to be difficult to clean, look for windows that tilt or are removable for ease of cleaning. This style of replacement slider window will make maintenance much easier.
Homeowners should consider replacement slider windows when looking into window replacements. This exterior home improvement project is an investment that can improve both the curb appeal, interior design, and energy efficiency of your home. Slider windows are easy to use, provide beautiful views with tons of natural light, and are low maintenance overall. Contact Armorvue Home Exteriors to set up a virtual appointment to talk about replacing those old, worn out windows in your home. With over 75 years of combined experience, you can trust the quality and expert installation we provide to our community.
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