With spring comes colorful blooming flowers and budding trees, but it can also come with a long list of home improvement tasks to accomplish. With so much to do, it can be difficult to decide which item on the list to tackle first, and which ones can wait for another time. One of those items that should be near the top of your list is a home roof replacement.
While winter can be cold and unforgiving, temperatures in the spring tend to be much milder and more manageable. Spring is a perfect time to complete those larger projects, such as a home roof replacement. Harsh, frigid winter temps can make it much more difficult or even dangerous for workers to be outside on a roof that’s covered in ice or snow, and summer can bring high levels of heat and humidity which can lead to moisture damage to your roof during the replacement process. Spring may bring a little rain, but that can easily be planned around, and the sunshine in the spring can make shingles seal better to a roof, making it the ideal time of year as far as weather conditions go.
Summer is a roofing contractor’s busiest season, which means less availability, longer wait times, and a sense of rush in the air as roofers have so many customers to tend to. Since spring is one of the slower times of year as far as home roof replacement goes, you have more time to make decisions about your new roof, such as style, color, and scheduling.
Another positive is your roofing company will likely have a lot more time to devote to your project in the spring versus the summertime when they have dozens of customers added to their workload.
Since spring is a slower time of year for roof replacement, this often means roofing supplies are much more readily available in the spring than in the summer, possibly leading to less expensive materials.
Since summer is when roofing crews are the busiest and tend to make the most money, this can also sometimes lead to crews rushing through a job faster than they usually would. This isn’t to say that the job will be poorly done if not done in the spring, but spring crews tend to be more deliberate when it comes to their work since they are less likely to have another job to rush over to.
If you’re ready to take advantage of all that a home roof replacement project has to offer in the spring, contact our roofing experts at Armorvue Home Exteriors today. We have the local knowledge and experience to make your exterior home improvement projects a success!
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