You know your old windows aren’t energy efficient. You know that they can be an eyesore. But did you realize that old windows can also be a safety issue for your home? You count on the structure of your home, including your windows, to keep your family safe and secure. Yet if your windows are old and worn out, they may become an issue that can put your family at risk.
If your old window frame is damaged, that means water may leak into your home. Any water leaking is a nuisance that can lead to stains and a mess. But water leaking can also be a safety issue when a water leak turns into a mold problem. Mold poses a number of health issues to your family, even if the mold isn’t considered toxic. Family members with allergies, asthma, migraines, and a number of other issues can find that mold exacerbates those conditions. Mold is expensive and time consuming to remediate, and it can damage the structure of your home.
The windows in your home are crucial to your home’s security. Most intruders look for a weak spot in a window or door. While glass can be broken even if your window is new, an intruder will have a much easier time gaining access to your home if the windows don’t lock properly or the sashes are loose in the frame. On the flip side, if your windows don’t open easily due to the warping of the wood, you will lose an egress in case of fire. If your doors are blocked, the last thing you want to worry about is windows that don’t open easily during an emergency.
Replacement windows can mean increased safety, simply because of the advances in security features that have been developed. Some newer models of double hung windows have night locks, meaning they can’t be opened further than four inches. Since open windows in bedrooms can be very dangerous for young children who may be curious and want to play, these night locks can save families from senseless tragedies. New windows have better locks, can be made of stronger material, are less susceptible to mold, and are easy to operate.
There are plenty of reasons to consider installing replacement windows. Installing new windows will help with your energy bills, will keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, and will increase the value overall. If your old windows are becoming a safety issue, that is just one more reason to consider getting new windows, before you put your family at risk. Contact Armorvue Home Exteriors today so we can talk about what your home needs and how we can help keep your family safe and secure.
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