Preparing for your home roof replacement, especially if you have never had a roof installed before, can be overwhelming. Your local roof contractor can let you know what they will need you to do, but there are some things you can do to prepare no matter who you hire.
It’s not a bad idea to make arrangements for your children and pets to go elsewhere on the day of the install. A roof installation is noisy and many pets can become very stressed. In addition, pets who are outdoors can disrupt the process. It can be easier on both your pet and the roofers if your pet can spend the day in a quieter environment. Similarly, children may also have their routine disrupted by a home roof replacement. If you have young children who will be bothered by the noise, it may be easier to find a friend or family member who is willing to provide a quieter place to stay. If your children are older, it’s important to make sure that they understand the safety protocol and avoid entering or exiting the home during the roof removal.
You can prepare your exterior by covering outside plants and other outdoor fixtures, as well as moving any patio furniture that is in the path of falling debris. If you have a lawn irrigation system, make sure the sprinklers are off. If you have a pool, plan on covering it for the day. A home roof replacement can disrupt items hanging on the walls inside your home too, so it is generally a good idea to remove any pictures, photos, or paintings hanging on the wall. You may want to cover any special items in the attic with plastic sheeting because all the banging around and walking will loosen dust and dirt.
The advantage of having a local roof contractor is that they understand how the weather can impact your home roof replacement. Rain in the forecast isn’t usually a cause to reschedule, as most roofing crews are prepared to work in the rain and protect your home. If you wake up to rain on the day of your installation, you won’t need to be concerned.
Your home roof replacement can be extremely loud and disruptive. If you are planning to be home on the day of your roof replacement, be prepared for the noise. Most roofers prefer that you minimize entering and exiting your home, so if you plan to be home, plan to try and stay indoors for the day to stay out of the way. No one should walk around outdoors without shoes, and if you will need to leave at any point, make sure your vehicles are out of the garage and away from the property before the crew arrives.
After your home roof replacement, the roofers will clear the roofing debris, clean the yard, and use a magnetic sweeper to remove any nails from the lawn. However, you should still plan to wear shoes around your property, just in case any nails were missed. Most of the time your roof contractor will do a walk around the property with you. You will discuss any concerns you have about the job and take care of final payments.
With preparation, your home roof replacement project will go smoothly. Experienced roof contractors know that most people have never had a new roof installed, so they are very detailed in explaining to homeowners what to expect before, during, and after the process. With Armorvue Home Exteriors, we’ll make sure you are ready beforehand and satisfied with a job well done when it’s through. Contact us today for a virtual appointment.
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